25 Which of the following actions should a diver take to reduce drag and therefore the amount exertion during a dive? Streamline his/her body position The absolute pressure in the ocean at 53 ft (16.15 m) is: 2.6 atmospheres absolute (2.6 bar) If a diver surface air consumption rate is 30 psi per minute (2.1 bar per minute), what would be his/her consumption rate at 66 feet (20.11 m) of seawater? 90 psi per minute (6.2 bar per minute) A depth that is equivalent to one atmosphere in the ocean is equal to _ feet (meters) in seawater and _ feet (meters) in freshwater. 8 The weight of freshwater is: 62.4 pounds per cubic foot (1000kg/m3) (multiply psi by 144) Air, the gas most commonly used by recreational scuba divers, is composed of: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, trace gasses Which of the following causes objects to appear larger and closer when looking through a mask during a dive? Refraction Sound travels approximately how many times faster in water than in air? 4 A diver's body heat is lost through conduction (primarily) at a rate of approximately _ times more rapidly than in air. Tool Markings on scuba tanks include: Date of hydrostatic test, serial number, type of material Atmospheric pressure at sea level is: 14.7 pounds per square inch/1.0 atmosphere absolute (1.01 bar) A sealed balloon filled with air that has a volume of 4 liters at 99 feet of seawater (30.2 m) will have a volume of _ liters at 33 feet of seawater (10.1 m).

Lubber The dive knife is used primarily as a _ for digging, cutting, pounding, and prying. You should have your regulator serviced by a certified repair technician: At least once per year The stage of the regulator which reduces tank pressure is: first Two types of materials that scuba tanks are made from are steel and Aluminum The _ line is the direction of travel line on the compass.