Package Manager: Renamed Web3 category filter in Package Manager Window for My Assets to Decentralization.ĢD: Fixed the Tile Palette repainting a position when doing a mouse drag at the same position.ĪI: Fixed the inaccurate shape of NavMeshObstacles that prevent agents from avoiding them properly.Package Manager: Extended support for specifying optional path and revision to Git URLs in SCP format.

Visual Effects: SDF Baking causes memory to be allocated that isn't deallocated when in Play Mode and in BuildsĢD: Improved the performance of creating a large number of Tile assets with the Tile Palette window.ĢD: Improved the performance of opening the Tile Palette window when the Tile Palette references a large number of Tile assets. RP Foundation: "Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Material)).Length" increases every time when entering/exiting Play Mode Mono: Crash with ScanAssemblyForAttributesAndInterfaceImplementations when opening a project

MacOS: Crash on System.Object:_icall_wrapper_ves_icall_array_new_specific when launching a project MacOS: 2D Platformer Microgame Project crash on _cxxabiv1::_aligned_malloc_with_fallback when pinching out or in on the trackpad during “Zoom in and out” step

Linux: Crash on GUIView::IsVSyncEnabled when saving a preset

Asset - Database: Script recompiles in Play Mode when Script Changes While Playing option is set to Recompile After Finished Playing and Auto refresh is set to enabled.